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Featured articles
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How do I print?
How do I hide the answer key while printing?
What features are Premium? What does it cost and why?
What is BrightSprout? What's changed?
Making and Printing Worksheets
15 articles
How do I make worksheets look better and improve design?
How do I print?
How do I hide the answer key while printing?
Can I save a worksheet to my computer?
Can I print from a different computer?
Will everyone see my worksheet? Can I make it private or hidden?
What is the Community Library? How can I use it?
Can I print without the logo? How?
View all articles in “Making and Printing Worksheets”
Premium Membership
4 articles
What is Premium Membership?
What features are Premium? What does it cost and why?
It says I don’t have a Premium Membership, but I do.
How do I cancel my Premium Membership?
Contacting Us
3 articles
My password reset isn't working.
I didn’t hear back from you.
How do I make a suggestion or request a new feature?
About Us
4 articles
How did My Worksheet Maker get Started?
What are your other sites? Do you have other builders for teachers?
My Worksheet Maker Upgrade - Dec 11
What is BrightSprout? What's changed?